Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Typography & Design

This map, a Technology "Game of Thrones" map, is a great example of beautiful typography and design. The text is strategically placed so it is clear what each label is attached to. The words and phrases form to fit the shapes of what they label, and the font is cleverly selected to suit the medieval theme. The subtle changes in color are a nice touch, because they give enough contrast with their respective backgrounds to make them easy to read. 

This typographic map of Washington, D.C. is another really interesting example of the use of type to enhance the design of a map. The text is shaped and repeated to form the actual space and shape of the object it is labeling. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Map Projections

Projections at identical scale with maximum angular deformation 
values represented by colors

Angular deformation scale

Map in sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) projection: equal-area, but only the Equator and central meridian are free of angular deformation

Polyhedral maps are a particular case of interruption. On an unfolded Waterman polyhedron, the gnomonic projection centered on faces is azimuthal, therefore the deformation pattern is radically symmetric. 
